Aniah Akaliga is a 40-year-old teacher of Asonge Primary School in the Nabdam District where he teaches class 5. Aniah Akaliga comes from Dachio, a farming community in the Bolgatanga East District of the Upper East Region. According to Aniah Akaliga, for some time now, it has become very difficult for him to read. He added that he finds difficult to read his textbooks and the notes and homework of his pupils, making it challenging to mark their assignments.
Aniah Akaliga said:
“…before this screening exercise it has been very difficult for me to read, sometimes I have to strain to be able to read, fortunately for me the screening team was in my school for the screening exercise and I complained that I couldn’t see very well to read and he examined me and used some reading glasses to try on me and I eventually chose one. I must say reading with the glasses is much more convenient for me, I see the words clearly and I am happy this time I will be able to mark my scripts without any difficulty. God bless Vision Aid Overseas (now known as Vision Action) and its partners for this innovation project, may God continue to touch your hearts to continue to support the vulnerable in this part of the world.”
When asked how he is going to benefit from the reading glasses he received from Vision Action, Aniah had this to say:
“These glasses are going to make reading easier for me, I can now give my pupils assignments and be able to mark easily, I can also prepare my lessons easily with the glasses using the approved text books: I will now enjoy doing my work as a teacher just as I used to enjoy it when I joined the profession”.