John Nyarko is 33 years old and he is an optometrist by profession, working with the Regional Hospital at Bolgatanga the Upper East Regional Capital. John completed his Optometry course from the University of Cape Coast and has practiced for the past eight years.
John was identified by Vision for a Nation (VFAN) (now formally transferred to Vision Action’s programmes) at the inception of the Programme when he attended a stakeholders meeting. Ever since, he has been involved in the organisation and has conducted refraction for over 200 pupils, out of which about 145 received glasses from Vision Action.
John said:
“I am very excited to be part of this success story. In my interaction with some of the pupils during refraction, I realise some of them had impaired vision which makes learning very difficult, these children get improved vision after I prescribe spectacles for them which helps them to perform better in school than before.” He also added that “I am happy to be part of improving the vision of these children”.