Support a school
Right now, 12 million children worldwide struggle to learn because they struggle to see. The solution already exists in the form of access to good eye care and glasses. Our Support a School programme is helping hundreds of children in poor communities in Africa to access basic yet life changing eye health care. With improved vision, children are more likely to reach their potential in school, get a good education, and have greater opportunities when they leave school.
It costs just £5,000 to fund the Support a School programme in one school. In return for your support, we will connect you with a primary school for children aged 5-14 and keep you updated about the changes you are helping to bring about in the lives of its pupils and teachers. We’ll send you a welcome pack with the name and profile of your school, a donation certificate, and a thank you photo story or video that you can share.
If you would like to donate via a business, you can opt to fund more than one school or fund a school each year. If you would like to make Support a School the focus of your fundraising activities, contact us and we’ll send you a welcome pack, a pledge certificate and a photo story or video you can share to help you towards your fundraising goal.